Hip Pain and Treatment

Hip pain is a common complaint that can be caused by a number of problems. Muscles, ligaments and tendons can be torn, strained, sprained and bruised causing inflammation and altered function. The hip bursa can also become inflamed due to trauma or altered mechanics of the hips, pelvis and lower extremities. Arthritis within the hip joint can also lead to increasing pain and decreased function. A hip that becomes significantly uncomfortable can make many normal and pleasurable activities difficult. Walking, running, participating in a variety of sports, getting up and down out of a chair and even sleeping may become difficult due to hip pain . Effective hip treatment can include ultrasound, interferential current, Graston myofascial technique, massage, stretching and strengthening exercises and various forms of home care including icing and/or heating. Chiropractic adjusting can be particularly beneficial for many hip conditions. One study revealed that 83% of the stud...