What Is a Chiropractor?

Chiropractic physicians utilize a drug-free, hands on holistic form of care. Chiropractic is the largest natural health care profession in the world. Chiropractic physicians are trained in the examination and treatment of muscle, joint and nerve condition conditions. They also have extensive training in nutrition and the role it plays in many of the health conditions that plague Americans today. Chiropractors look to find and correct the underlying cause of a patient’s pain or other health condition instead of prescribing drugs that often only cover or mask the symptoms but fail to deal with the true cause of the condition. This is more important today than ever given the epidemic overuse and abuse of prescription pain medications as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Chiropractic care can decrease the need for drugs and surgery. What Does a Chiropractor Do? For patients presenting with musculoskeletal complaints such as back pain, neck pain, head...